How to Prevent a Urinary Tract Infection

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Fatu Forna, MD
Urinary tract infections are common, and they actually happen. And up to 30% of normal, healthy, young women can have a UTI. So women should not be worried, if they get a urinary tract infection, that something's wrong.

So ways to prevent urinary tract infections -- drinking lots of water is a good way to prevent urinary tract infections, because when you drink a lot of water, you make a lot of urine. And you flush out your bladder and flush out the bacteria that can cause urinary tract infection. Another way is hygiene, the way you use the bathroom and the way you wipe. You need to make sure that you wipe from the front to the back. That way, you do not introduce bacteria into your urethra and into your bladder.

Another thing you can do is making sure you use the bathroom and urinate immediately after sexual activity. That also will flush out and remove all of the bacteria that got into your urethra and your bladder during sex. Taking probiotics -- probiotics are over-the-counter. It's medication that you can take that can change the types of good bacteria growing in your gut and growing in your vagina. So that can definitely help you. Drinking cranberry juice -- you know, it's something that some studies have shown works, some studies have shown doesn't work. It's not harmful, and it might be helpful.

If you think you have a urinary tract infection, come see your gynecologist or your primary care doctor. And they can usually take care of you.