Olympic Athletes' Superfoods

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Steven Lopez
I try to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, things high in anti-oxidants, acai, like the new fruit, super fruit. My mom does a lot of the cooking for me, so I do a lot of rice, beans, grilled chicken.

Mary Killman
We eat a lot of vegetables; we eat a lot of chicken. Small portions throughout the day, it's what we have to do to get where we need to be.

Eric Shanteau
I would say chocolate milk and peanut butter is the lifeblood of any athlete. It's instant energy that can last a long time.

Hyleas Fountain
My thing is oatmeal. Oatmeal for me just kind of sticks to my ribs. It usually holds me over for the day, I don't have to usually eat too many big meals if I have a nice big bowl of oatmeal in the morning.

Nastia Liukin
For me it's really important to get enough protein in. I don't really eat too many carbs, it's more proteins and vegetables to make sure I have enough energy though to get through a seven hour work out.

Jennifer Nichols
I don't know if you want to hear what my super foods are, because actually I really have a weakness for chocolate chip cookies when I'm in in competition and that's kind of my power food when I'm competing. In fact, I've had great results with that.

Alex Meyer
I have a like pre-workout kind of shake-smoothie. I'll take a couple scoops of like a protein powder, throw it in there, some coconut oil because you know, cause being an endurance athlete I need to be able to run on fats.

Lauren Crandall
It's usually a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or a turkey sandwich and an apple, something that can digest easily. Usually about three hours before the game. High carb intake, low fiber, low protein.

Kalya Harrison
I eat super healthy. My fiancé actually has a minor in dietetics so he cooks all of my meals which is awesome. I love guacamole: is that a super food?

Maya Moore
Every now and then, when I can afford to celebrate, like after winning a gold medal hopefully, I'll have a great piece of red velvet cake. That is my weakness for sure.

Hyleas Fountain
Something that I'm going to probably splurge on would probably be a burger and fries. Fries are like my best friend, we get along very well. I love the potato.

Lauren Crandall
I'm going to go to all my favorite restaurants and just devour some desserts.

Nathan Adrian
Ice cream. I really like ice cream, especially like cookies and cream or mint chocolate chip.

John Orozco
Pizza, cause I love pizza that's my favorite food, but it's my worst enemy right now in training.

Kalya Harrison
One thing that I'm definitely going to splurge on in London is a big ole' brownie sundae.

Jennifer Nichols
I will probably be indulging in wedding cake, because I'll be getting married September 1st. And that will be my indulgence.

Nastia Liukin
I don't know. I don't know what I will splurge on. Maybe on like a cookie.

Eric Shanteau
I am going to go to In and Out every day for a week and get some good old fashioned cheeseburgers.

Tony Azevedo
Anything involving velvet, red velvet.

Mary Killman
I want a red-velvet cheesecake.