- Overview
- Symptoms
- Causes & Risks
- Diagnosis
- Types
- Major Depressive Disorder
- Treatment
- Antidepressants
- Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD)
- Living With
- Recovery & Relapse
- Complications
- Caregiving & Support
- Appointment Prep
- View Full Guide
10 Triggers for Holiday Blues
Family Gatherings
Financial Worries
Unrealistic Expectations
Breaking Healthy Habits
Being Away from Family and Friends
Shorter Days, Lack of Sunlight
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WebMD Feature: "25 Ways to Find Joy and Balance During the Holidays."
WebMD Feature: "Home for the Holidays."
Rhode Island Department of Health: "Tips on Raising Your Pre-Teens and Teens: Managing Holiday Stress and Blues."
Science Today at the University of California: "Dealing with those Holiday Blues."
Mental Health America (formerly NMHA): "Factsheet: Holiday Depression and Stress"
Mayo Clinic: "Stress, Depression and the Holidays: 12 Tips for Coping."
WebMD Video: "'Tis the Season for Stress."
Mental Health America: "Factsheet: Seasonal Affective Disorder."
WebMD Video: "Light Therapy and Beyond."
American Academy of Family Physicians. FamilyDoctor.org: "Seasonal Affective Disorder."
WebMD Topic Overview: "What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?"
Thoits, PA. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, June 2001; vol 42(2): pp 115-131.
WebMD Feature: "Foods That Boost Mood and Fight Holiday Weight Gain."
University of Maryland Medical Center: "University of Maryland
Psychiatrists Offer Tips on Dealing with Holiday Stress and Depression."