Hydrogen Water Health Benefits

Medically Reviewed by Shruthi N, MD on June 26, 2024
5 min read

Hydrogen water is regular water that's been enhanced with molecular hydrogen gas, known as H2. Hydrogen is a tasteless, colorless, odorless gas that can combine with other elements, such as oxygen. 

Regular water is made up of three atoms: One oxygen and two hydrogen. That's why you see water called "H2O." 

Hydrogen is said to have certain benefits. The theory is that adding the extra H2 to water will improve your health. The research thus far on hydrogen water's health benefits is limited. 

Manufacturers sometimes sell hydrogen water bottled with the gas already added to it. You also can buy systems to make hydrogen water at home, similar to the products that carbonate regular water.

Hydrogen water is also called hydrogen-rich water and hydrogenated water.

Hydrogen water tablets

This is another way of adding hydrogen to regular water. The tablets contain hydrogen, and you dissolve them in water to create a drink.

Hydrogen water has the same nutrition information as water. It contains:

  • Calories: 0
  • Carbohydrates: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Protein: 0 grams

The mineral and vitamin content of hydrogen water will vary, depending on the provider and where the water is sourced from. Some manufacturers infuse water with trace amounts of the following vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium carbonate
  • Magnesium sulfate
  • Potassium
  • Sodium sulfate

Scientists believe there may be some benefits to drinking hydrogen water. But many aren’t sure they’re greater than those of regular water. Staying hydrated in general is a great way to stay healthy. 

Many medical experts agree that more research is needed to discover or verify any advantages of hydrogen water. Based on early studies, the following are potential health benefits:

Reduce side effects of radiation therapy

One study of 49 people with liver cancer showed that drinking hydrogen-rich water for 6 weeks during radiation therapy could improve quality of life during treatment. 

Side effects of radiation therapy include:

  • Fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Skin problems
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Soreness in the area treated

The study showed that quality-of-life scores were higher in the group that drank hydrogen water, vs. the placebo group consuming regular water. More research is needed, but experts believe that hydrogen water has the potential to offset some of the negative effects of radiation. Compared to other treatments to lessen radiation side effects, hydrogen water may be easier to use, may last longer, and may have fewer downsides.

Improve athletic performance

Hydrogen water is said to increase energy, reduce inflammation, and reduce recovery times after workouts.

A 2024 review of several studies found that hydrogen water showed promise in reducing fatigue and increasing endurance. But some of the studies the reviewers looked at didn't show much improvement among those who used hydrogen water. 

Prevent disease

Hydrogen water may contain antioxidants. Antioxidants help prevent oxidative stress. This type of stress comes from both normal body functions and external forces, including sun exposure and industrial chemicals. Oxidative stress may lead to cancer and other diseases.

These early studies also suggest hydrogen water may be anti-inflammatory, a quality that may reduce the risk of heart disease and other life-threatening diseases.

One small study found that hydrogen water could help manage high cholesterol, a major factor in heart disease. Other research has shown that hydrogen water can reduce the symptoms of angina, a type of chest pain linked to heart disease. It also may help arteries work better.

Treat COVID-19

Hydrogen water showed potential in the treatment of COVID-19. It slowed down a type of immune response called "cytokine storm," which can lead to organ failure. More research is needed to establish how well hydrogen water may treat COVID-19.

Fight metabolic syndrome

A few studies have looked at how hydrogen water might work against metabolic syndrome, which plays a role in heart disease and type 2 diabetes. One study found no impact on fasting blood glucose levels, but another study found that consuming hydrogen water could reduce A1c, a measure of your blood sugar level over 2 or 3 months. It also improved body mass index.

Help people on dialysis

A few studies have shown that hydrogen water may help people who are getting dialysis for kidney disease. It improved renal function and reduced fatigue.

Treat cancer

Hydrogen water showed anti-cancer properties in one study involving colorectal cancer. Another study looked at hydrogen water used along with other drugs and found that some tumors shrank. More research is needed, but hydrogen water does show promise as a cancer treatment.

Aid mental health

A study of cancer patients found that those treated with hydrogen water had less anxiety and improved mood. A study of women with panic disorder showed that those treated with hydrogen water had about the same results as the control group who didn't consume hydrogen water. But the group receiving hydrogen water did have lower inflammatory markers. This could lead to less pain.

Improve liver function

In studies of people with hepatitis B and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, treatment with hydrogen water improved liver function and reduced the amount of fat stored in the liver.

Overall, the review of research on hydrogen water noted that many of the studies on health benefits were small. More research using larger sample groups and done over longer periods of time are needed.

Experts don’t believe there are any risks to drinking hydrogen water. But they’re not sure if its benefits are greater than those of normal water, or of staying hydrated in general.

Drinking too much water poses the risk of hyponatremia. This occurs when your kidneys can’t get rid of excess water and the sodium content in your blood is diluted. Hyponatremia can be life-threatening.

But you need to drink a lot of water for hyponatremia to occur. Usually, only athletes doing intense exercise are at risk.

If hydrogen water is out of your price range, you can get most of the of benefits by drinking regular water. Depending on where you live, you may need to filter your water before drinking.

Hydrogen water is regular water that has extra hydrogen added. It's also called hydrogenated water and hydrogen-rich water. You can buy it, get a machine that makes it at home, or use hydrogen tablets dissolved in regular water. Some studies suggest that hydrogen water has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as other health benefits. Researchers are looking at its ability to treat a number of conditions, including heart disease, cancer, COVID-19, liver problems, and mental health disorders. The early results in some cases are promising, but much more study is needed. 

How do I make hydrogen water?

You can buy water with hydrogen already added. You also can buy systems that allow you to add hydrogen to regular water at home. Hydrogen tablets, which you dissolve in water, are another option. 

Does hydrogen water help you lose weight?

Some studies found that consuming hydrogen water reduced body mass index, one measure of obesity. 

Is hydrogen water good for the kidneys?

When people with kidney problems who were getting dialysis drank hydrogen water regularly, one study found, their kidney function improved. 

Should you drink hydrogen water on an empty stomach?

Some studies that have looked at the health benefits of hydrogen-rich water advised people to drink it on an empty stomach.