The cervical cap (FemCap) is a soft, thimble-shaped cup made out of silicone or latex. It fits snugly over the cervix (where the uterus opens into the vagina).
It’s designed to block sperm from reaching the woman’s egg. That’s why it’s called a “barrier” method of birth control. The diaphragm also uses the barrier method.
How Do I Use It?
Coat the inside of the cap with spermicide, and insert it into the vagina up to the cervix before sex. The cap blocks the cervix and the spermicide kills the sperm.
You must keep the cap in place for at least 6 hours after sex. During that time, if you have sex again, you don’t need to reapply the spermicide. But you should check that the cap is still in place.
To remove the cap, pull it out with your fingers. It’s important to do that within 48 hours (2 days) after having sex. If you leave it in, there’s a chance you could get a staph infection that gets out of control and becomes toxic shock syndrome, which needs immediate medical care.
Once the cap is out, rinse it with soap and water, and let it air dry. Keep it in its case. Don’t use it with any creams or lubricants.
Where Do I Get One?
You need to make an appointment with your doctor to get fitted. It’s important that the cap fits tightly.
You should replace your cup every year.
How Effective Is It?
Estimates vary, but the CDC says that of 100 women who use the cap, about 12 will accidentally get pregnant in a typical year. It’s less effective if you’ve had a baby by vaginal birth. And you need to follow the instructions exactly for it to work right.
Does the Cervical Cap Protect Against Sexually Transmitted Diseases?
No. The male condom provides the best protection from most STDs.