5 Things to Know About Fiber

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When you hear the word fiber, you probably think one thing (toilet flushing sound). But there’s a lot more to it. Here are "5 Things to Know About Fiber." Number 1. It’s indigestible.

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But not in the same way as that marble you ate when you were 2 years old. Fiber latches onto the rest of your food, and chauffeurs it through your body. Since your digestive system can be as long as 30 feet, it’s nice to move things along. Number 2. Not everyone needs the same amount.

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Women need about 25 grams per day. That’s an apple, and a cup each of oatmeal, brown rice, peas, and green beans. Men need about 35 grams per day. So you may need to change up the menu so you don’t get bored.

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Which brings us to Number 3. You’re not eating enough. The average American only gets 15 grams per day. That’s about half of what you should be getting. So go for more! But, don’t do it all at once, or you’re gonna feel gassy. Real gassy. Ramp up slowly, and drink lots of water.

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This is a marathon, not a sprint. Number 4. All fiber is not the same. Insoluble is the kind that helps… (flushing) keep you regular. Like whole grains and vegetables. Soluble fiber is the kind that dissolves in water,

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and can help lower your cholesterol and blood sugar. Like beans and nuts. Go for a combination of both for best results.
Number 5. There are powerhouse fibers
Beans, almonds, peas, artichokes, apples, and oatmeal are all good sources of fiber. And then there’s prunes, famous for… well (flushing).

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But did you know that prunes are just dried plums? Once you get rid of all that water, what’s left is tons of fiber. A cup of prunes has five times the fiber of a cup of plums! And that’s the lowdown on fiber.

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Try to work more of it into your diet, and it will help work more of your diet out of you.