Recognizing Depression and Anxiety - Oct. Moment

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It is important to recognize depression and anxiety early because those are medical conditions. And like all medical conditions, they tend to progress and become worse. Recognizing depression is really important.

These are some of the signs. When you feel sad all the time, when you have no energy to get out of bed, when you have no motivation to engage in your normal activities and everything feels very overwhelming, when you have no interest in performing even the things that previously gave you pleasure, such as your hobbies. And when you do engage in your hobbies, you have no pleasure doing that, when you isolate from other people, when you have difficulty both falling asleep and staying asleep, when you have decreased appetite.

Those are all signs that you need to reach out for help. So the pandemic has changed mental health landscape for a lot of people. All of the stressors of having to deal with changes at work, health, family environment really cause a lot of people who had never before struggle with mental health to start to recognize signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Recognizing anxiety is important. Here are some of the things that you can look for. Worrying too much about little things and big things, whether you can control them or not, feeling like your thoughts are running around the track in your mind without relief, having difficulty relaxing, and that can be both a physical sensation.

You literally all crunched up or a mental sensation. You go to sleep and you wake up not feeling rested, and feeling irritable and snappy with other people around you. That's when you need to lean in and call somebody for help. So the sooner you can recognize something is not as it used to be and the sooner you reach out for help, the sooner you can get treated and restore your normal function.