All About the 80-20 (or Weekend) Diet
What Is It?
The 80%
The 80%: Vegetables
The 80%: Whole Grains
The 80%: Dairy
The 80%: Protein
The 20%
‘Cheat Days’ Approach
Calories Approach
Mixed Approach
Can It Help You Lose Weight?
Exercise Is Important, Too
Make It Personal
Medical Conditions
1) Large inset: marilyna / Thinkstock, small inset: Arx0nt / Thinkstock, background: tomap49 / Thinkstock
2) Inset photos, clockwise from top left: / Thinkstock, Shaiith / Thinkstock, baibaz / Thinkstock (dairy), piyaset / Thinkstock, Tatiana Volgutova / Thinkstock, Background: stuartbur / Thinkstock
3) kazoka30 / Thinkstock
4) etiennevoss / Thinkstock
5) AlexPro9500 / Thinkstock
6) JulijaDmitrijeva / Thinkstock
7) (Left to right) debyaho / Thinkstock, robynmac / Thinkstock, Magone / Thinkstock
8) toeytoey2530 / Thinkstock
9) WebMD
10) joannatkaczuk / Thinkstock
11) Wavebreakmedia / Thinkstock
12) Bojan89 / Thinkstock
13) sturti / Thinkstock
14) vitapix / Thinkstock
Sources: “Find Your Healthy Eating Style & Maintain It for a Lifetime,” “All About The Protein Foods Group,” “All About The Vegetable Group,” “All About The Dairy Group,” “All About The Grains Group.”
Calorie Control Council: “Get Moving! Calculator.”
Elizabeth Ward, registered dietitian; former spokesperson, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Harvard School of Public Health: “Carbohydrates and Blood Sugar.”
Mayo Clinic: “Hyperglycemia in diabetes.”
U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.”