High-Fiber Super Foods
Start Your Day With Whole Grains
Fresh Fruit
Whole-Grain Bread and Crackers
Eat Your Vegetables
Dried Fruit
Peas and Other Legumes
Nuts, Seeds, and Fiber
Enjoy Whole Grains With Dinner
Add Flaxseed
Check the Label
(1) Tom Grill / Iconica
(2) Achim Sass
(3) J.P. Nodier
(4) Lew Robertson / Brand X Pictures
(5) Lehner / iStockphoto
(6) iStockphoto
(7) Annabelle Breakey / FoodPix
(8) Studio Paggy
(9) Jennifer Levy / StockFood Creative
(10) Lori Lee Miller / iStockphoto
(11) Ariel Skelley / Blend Images
American Academy of Family Physicians.
American Diabetes Association: "Whole Grain Foods."
Katherine Tallmadge, registered dietitian, American Dietetic Association spokesperson.
Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University: "Fiber."
National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
National Institutes of Health, News in Health: "Rough Up Your Diet."
Sari Greaves, registered dietitian, American Dietetic Association spokesperson.
Uptodate.com: “Patient information: High-fiber diet (Beyond the Basics)."
USDA Nutrient Database: "USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Release 22."
Mayoclinic.org: "Flaxseed and flaxseed oil."
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: "Menopausal Symptoms and Complementary Health Approaches."