Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health

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There are many false beliefs about mental illness. And it's due to a lack of information or a lack of understanding of mental illness. I mean, after all, almost 20% of the general population has a mental health disorder. So it's likely that you know someone with a mental health disorder.

One of the worst things is that people feel ashamed of themselves. They feel like there's something wrong and that they don't fit in, or that they're not accepted by their family, their community, their workplace. It interferes with someone getting treatment at all.

I think there are many things that we can do to break the stigma. The most important thing is to get help, see a professional, see a psychiatrist or a family doctor, and to be open about it and speak up. And advocate for yourself and for other people as well. And I think that will be the way to kind of break through some of these harmful negative attitudes.