Hydroxycut isn't just one product. It's a family of dietary supplements sold without a prescription as weight loss aids.
The key ingredient in most Hydroxycut products is Robusta coffee extract ( C. canephora robusta).
Does Hydroxycut Work?
The Hydroxycut website refers to two small studies. One states that when people took C. canephora robusta for 60 days they lost about 10.95 pounds as opposed to the placebo group, which lost an average of 5.40 pounds. Both groups were on a low-calorie diet. The other small 8-week study showed that those taking C. canephora robusta lost about 3.7 pounds versus the placebo group members, who lost 1.25 pounds.
Is Hydroxycut Safe?
Hydroxycut's maker, Iovate Health Sciences International, says it puts raw ingredients through extensive quality assurance procedures.
In 2009, Iovate recalled Hydroxycut after the FDA got reports of liver problems, seizures, and a muscle-damaging condition called rhabdomyolysis. The current reformulated Hydroxycut products no longer contain the ingredients that were in question.
Unlike drug manufacturers, the makers of supplements don’t have to show that their products are safe or effective before selling them.
The warnings on Hydroxycut labels say the products shouldn't be used by anyone under age 18, and to seek medical attention if any "unusual symptoms" occur.
The labels also advise users to consult a doctor before using Hydroxycut if they or a family member have ever been treated for or diagnosed with any medical condition.