What Are the Symptoms of Graves' Disease?
The symptoms of Graves' disease include:
- Weight loss despite increased appetite
- Faster heart rate, higher blood pressure, and increased nervousness
- Excessive perspiration
- Increased sensitivity to heat
- More frequent bowel movements
- Muscle weakness, trembling hands
- Development of a goiter (enlargement of the thyroid gland, causing a swelling at the base of the neck).
- Bulging eyes
- Reddish, thickened, and lumpy skin in front of the shins
- In women, change in frequency or total cessation of menstrual periods
Call Your Doctor About Graves' Disease If:
You are feverish, agitated, or delirious, and have a rapid pulse. You could be having a thyrotoxic crisis, in which the effects of too much thyroid hormone suddenly become life-threatening.