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    Justice for Sexual Assault Survivors: New Law Offers Healing

    The Power of Speaking Up continued...

    For those who are able to come forward, the financial damages that could be awarded through a civil lawsuit can help “shift the burden” of the emotional, financial, and life costs from the survivor to the responsible party. That, Baran says, “can feel empowering, liberating, and vindicating.” While he recognizes that “putting what we could call a ‘price tag’ on pain and trauma doesn’t always feel great,” he explains financial relief can enable people to pursue other avenues for healing, including therapy or time off from work. “It can allow for options that might not have otherwise presented themselves.”

    More broadly, he says, there is great power in sharing one’s experience, echoed in what survivor and advocate Marissa Hoechstetter describes as her “full circle” experience. On May 24, 2022, she and her 11-year-old daughters were part of a small group who attended the signing of the ASA. Her girls, she says, were the only children there. They got to have their picture taken with the governor, and told their mom how very proud they were of her.

    “To have had this happen to me when I was pregnant, and then be at the bill signing with my kids, it was really emotional,” Hoechstetter says. “I hope I'm teaching my daughters that they need to use their voice if someone hurts them or they see harm being done to other people. That this is what it means to use our voice for good.”


    Every 68 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, you can find resources and 24/7 support at theRape, Abuse & Incest National Network,  1-800-656-HOPE (1-800-656-4673).

    The Adult Survivors Act opens a one-year window, during which adult survivors of sexual violence that occurred in New York state can bring their cases in civil court against their abusers or any individuals or institutions that enabled their abuses. The ASA will only set aside the civil statute of limitations for the duration of the one-year window, starting on November 24, 2022, and closing on November 23, 2023. When the window expires, the existing statute of limitations will, once again, take effect.

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    Reviewed on August 19, 2022
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