
Medically Reviewed by Ross Brakeville, DPT on March 20, 2023
3 min read

P90X is a set of 12 high-intensity online workouts that you do over the course of 90 days. You've probably seen the infomercials about it on TV.

You'll commit to working out 6-7 days per week, for 1-1.5 hours at a time.

The program keeps you moving from exercise to exercise, like circuit training. Some of the workouts focus on strength. Others include plyometrics (explosive "power" moves), kickboxing, cardio, abs/core, and yoga. The plan also includes a fitness guide and nutrition plan.

Your muscles will get stronger, you’ll boost your cardio health, and you’ll shed fat on this plan designed and led by celebrity trainer Tony Horton.

With any program that's this tough, there's a chance of injury. It may be too much for you if you're not active now or if you have certain conditions, so check with your doctor first.

This high-intensity interval training workout challenges your muscles and heart to make them stronger.

Core: Yes. With workouts called “Ab Ripper X” and “Core Synergistics,” you can count on working your core.

Arms: Yes. One workout targets your shoulders and arms. Another targets your biceps.

Legs: Yes. Plan on doing lots of squats and lunges in a workout called “Legs & Back.”

Glutes: Yes. The “Legs & Back” workout will fire up your glutes.

Back: Yes. Some workouts include exercises that specifically target your back.

Flexibility: Yes. You’ll do a workout called “X Stretch,” for flexibility and to help ward off injuries.

Aerobic: Yes. You’ll work up a sweat with workouts called “Cardio X” and “Plyometrics,” which is an explosive jumping cardio routine.

Strength: Yes. This is a total-body program that works many different muscle groups to build strength.

Sport: No.

Low-Impact: No. This is not a low-impact workout.

Cost: The least expensive option is about $120 for one year's access to the  P0X program, which also includes meal plans and recipes. You can also buy a set of 12 DVDs with the program for $140. Equipment like chin-up bars, resistance bands, and 30-day supply of post-workout drinks will cost you more. 

Good for beginners? No. This workout pushes your muscles and your heart. You may want to try another type of workout before plunging into this program.

Outdoors: You can bring your laptop or tablet to the patio and work out there. 

At home: Yes. This fitness program is an option if you don't belong to a gym.

Equipment required? Yes, if you buy the DVDs. Otherwise, you can work out with streaming and recorded classes. 

P90X is a well-structured exercise program that you can easily adapt for most fitness levels.

The workout is demanding, taking 60-90 minutes of exercise 6 days a week. It may not work for you if you have a busy schedule or if you haven’t been active in a while.

If you're new to exercise, you can help yourself avoid injury and illness by starting slow and staying hydrated during and after your workouts.

Is It Good for Me If I Have a Health Condition?

If you are looking to lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, or manage diabetes, P90X may be a good choice. Get the OK from your doctor first.

During a P90X workout, you may do more than 100 reps with your legs, arms or back, which could worsen any knee or back injuries you may have.

There are variations that can be good for people with arthritis. If you have other physical challenges, there aren’t many alternatives to the moves.

If you're pregnant, check with your pregnancy doctor first. Because a session can last over an hour and may raise your body temperature, it’s important to drink water and not get too hot or exhausted.