Best Foods for Fitness
1. Start With Whole-Grain Cereal
2. Grab a Banana
3. An Energy Bar in the Afternoon
4. Grilled Chicken at Mealtime
5. Black Bean Burger
6. A Bowl of Berries
7. Veggies and Hummus
8. Peanut Butter
9. Water or a Sports Drink
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2) Thinkstock
3) Thinkstock
4) Thinkstock
5) Thinkstock
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7) Thinkstock
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9) Thinkstock
American Heart Association: “Food as Fuel – Before, During and After Workouts.”
United States Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service: “Nutrition Facts Cards.” “Nutrients and Health Benefits,” “Healthy Eating for an Active Lifestyle,” “How Many Calories Does Physical Activity Use (Burn)?”
Volpe, S. President's Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition Research Digest, September 2013.
Cleveland Clinic: “How to Choose the Best Energy-Boosting Bars and Gels.”
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: “Sports Nutrition.”
Palo Alto Medical Foundation: “Sports Nutrition.”
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Oncology Nutrition: “Juicing and Cancer.”
McLeay, Y. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, May 7, 2012.
Meyer, N.L. American College of Sport Medicine’s Health and Fitness Journal, March-April 2014.
U.S. Olympic Committee Sports Nutrition: “Recovery Fact Sheet.”
Obesity Action Coalition: “Sports drinks – They’re Healthy, Right?”