How to Start Strength Training
Why Strength Training?
Do You Need Lots of Equipment?
Free Weights
Weight Machines
Talk to a Trainer
How Often Should You Train?
How to Choose a Starting Weight
Add More Weight When You're Ready
Don't Skip a Warmup
Learn How to Bench-Press
Try Some Squats
Do a Wall Pushup
Get Your Doctor's OK
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AARP: "Breathe for a Better Workout."
American Academy Of Orthopaedic Surgeons: "Starting a Strength Training Program."
Harvard Health Publishing: "Exercise 101: Don't skip the warm-up or cool-down."
Mayo Clinic: "Weight training: Do's and don'ts of proper technique," "For weight training, is it better to use free weights or machine weights?"
Nemours Foundation: "Strength Training."
NHS Choices: "Top 10 gym exercises done incorrectly."
National Institute On Aging: "Wall Push-Up."